On 15.04.2014 14:03, mark.link at hauck-aufhaeuser.de
wrote:> Hello,
> we get at a users individual following error: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:
unable to create new native thread
> Can you please tell me how I can fix this?
You are using the xlsx package?
Increase the java heap size, I find a solution once I Google for it....
Uwe Ligges
> Thank you very much
> Sincerely yours
> Mark Link
> Applikationsmanagement
> Hauck & Aufh?user Privatbankiers KGaA
> Kaiserstra?e 24
> 60311 Frankfurt am Main
> Telefon +49 69 2161-1581
> Fax +49 69 2161-1730
> mark.link at hauck-aufhaeuser.de
> www.hauck-aufhaeuser.de
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