Not sure if this helps:
df2 <- data.frame(Col1=c(68.25, 68.75, 69.25), Col2=c(24.75, 25.25, 25.75))
Url1 <-
toreplace <-
begin <- gsub("(.*\\.pl\\?).*","\\1",Url1)
end <- gsub(".*south=.*(\\?ms.*)","\\1",Url1)
vec2 <- strsplit(toreplace,"&")[[1]]
##replace ".csv" with ".txt" and use write.table() if you
need as text files.
lapply(seq_len(nrow(df2)),function(i) { val1 <-
UrlNew <- paste0(begin,replaced,end); res
sapply(list.files(pattern="file_"),function(x) {x1
#file_68.25_24.75.csv file_68.75_25.25.csv file_69.25_25.75.csv
# 3652 3652 3652
### reading the downloaded file
lapply(list.files(pattern="file_"),function(x) {x1
# Time(year:month:day) AccRain
#5 1998:01:05 0.000
#6 1998:01:06 0.000
#7 1998:01:07 0.984
# Time(year:month:day) AccRain
#5 1998:01:05 0.0000
#6 1998:01:06 0.0925
#7 1998:01:07 0.2643
# Time(year:month:day) AccRain
#5 1998:01:05 0.0000
#6 1998:01:06 0.7043
#7 1998:01:07 0.5340
On Friday, April 11, 2014 2:38 PM, eliza botto <eliza_botto at
hotmail.com> wrote:
Dear useRs,
Here are three steps for downloading a file from a certain website in R. Here
you see that in "URL" command
(west=68.25&north=24.75&east=68.25&south=24.75) are actually the
first and second column values of 1st row of a matrix called df2 (300 rows and 2
columns). more precisely, df2[1,][1]=68.25, df2[1,][2]=24.75.
Is there a way that I can make a loop so that remaining rows and columns get
inculcated in the link as such and then get saved at the desired mentioned
location in 300 different text files?
destfile <- "C:\\Users\\Eliza\\Desktop\\AA\\love.txt"
download.file(URL, destfile)
Any suggestion?
Thankyou very much in advance,
Eliza ??? ??? ??? ? ??? ??? ?
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