Dear community,
Please find two sample plots illustrating the problem attached (one
problematic and one succesful). The commands used to create these are along
with head of each dataset is provided below:
ggplot()+geom_tile(data=uvi1$data,aes(x=lon,y=lat,fill=uvic))+scale_x_continuous()+scale_y_continuous()+geom_path(data=norway,aes(x=lon,y=lat,group=group))+coord_equal()> head(uvi1$data)
lat lon uvic uvipoc uvioc uvifcc ozone snow cloud albedo altitude
soz x y
1 62.50 10.75 2.94 2.50 0.76 1.82 0.007646222 100 6 0.70 0.90
55.33 542.6142 -2858.031
2 64.75 21.00 2.14 1.82 0.56 0.97 0.008883495 100 7 0.70 0.07
57.58 954.2729 -2485.966
3 68.00 17.25 2.06 1.75 0.54 0.54 0.007629234 100 8 0.70 0.86
60.83 685.2720 -2206.937
4 60.00 26.50 3.11 2.65 0.81 0.81 0.008151490 100 8 0.70 0.00
52.83 1421.3631 -2850.813
5 57.00 12.75 3.57 3.03 0.93 3.57 0.006526370 0 0 0.05 0.04
49.83 777.1901 -3434.686
6 67.75 15.75 1.99 1.69 0.52 1.93 0.007863361 100 2 0.70 0.25
60.58 634.5757 -2250.036
SSI 2014-04-03
[W/m?]")+geom_path(data=tmp$latg,aes(x=x,y=y,fill=NULL))+geom_path(data=tmp$long,aes(x=x,y=y,fill=NULL))> head(dailyssi)
lat lon x y DAILY_SSI
1 54.57014 -90.03772 -3797.5 2.5 67.63009
2 54.61388 -90.03777 -3792.5 2.5 72.29466
3 54.65763 -90.03782 -3787.5 2.5 61.72242
4 54.70139 -90.03787 -3782.5 2.5 56.26741
5 54.74516 -90.03792 -3777.5 2.5 48.78071
6 54.78894 -90.03797 -3772.5 2.5 46.15528
If I plot the first sample in map projected version only land contours are
All the best
On Tuesday April 8 2014 20.39.54 ?ystein God?y wrote:> Dear community,
> I have been using ggplot2 for visualisation and I am really impressed by
> this. I do however have a problem that returns when plotting various types
> of spatial datasets as raster images. This is probably due to me not fully
> understanding the package.
> When I am plotting images using geom_tile, I sometimes only have small dots
> in the image and at other times I have apparently blank images. On other
> occasions it works nicely without me being able to spot the differences
> between these plot requests nor the underlying data. I am usually plotting
> geophysical information either on a geographical grid (latitude/longitude)
> or on a map projection (normally using proj4 for the projection of data).
> I have tried to play with the position attribute, but without success so
> far, but believe that I suffer from some form of effect from this. I have
> tried to google for information and I have read the manual pages but so far
> without success. Do you have some suggested reading for problems like this?
> Is the problem likely to be related to position?
> I apologise for the vague description of the problem.
> All the best
> ?ystein
Dr. Oystein Godoy
Norwegian Meteorological Institute
P.O.BOX 43, Blindern, N-0313 OSLO, Norway
Ph: (+47) 2296 3000 (switchb) 2296 3334 (direct line)
Fax:(+47) 2296 3050 Institute home page:
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