On 02/04/2014 22:30, Filippo wrote:> Hi everybody,
> just wanted to know if it is possible to use the openmp library in
> Fortran code to be used within R.
Yes, on a supported platform. But
1) The posting guide tells you this is not the correct list for
questions about compiled code.
2) 'Writing R Extensions' tells you how to do this.
3) ?SHLIB tells you about valid inputs, which do not include arbitrary
> I tried this simple thing:
> subroutine test
> !$OMP parallel
> write(*,*) 'hello'
> !$OMP end parallel
> end subroutine test
> and I compiled in the following way:
> R CMD SHLIB test.f90 -fopenmp
> but is seems not working.
> The program correctly print me out four times 'hello' if I compile
> outside R simply using gfortran with the flag -fopenmp.
> If someone can help me I would be very grateful.
> Thanks in advance and regards
> Filippo Monari
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Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
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