varin sacha
2014-Feb-22 16:14 UTC
[R] Hi everybody, your help would be very appreciate, thanks !
Hi everybody, I have realized a multiple linear regression. To know how well my model does in terms of prediction, I can compute prediction intervals bands and decide if they are narrow enough to be of use. If they are too wide, then they probably are not useful. Using R, I have written these R codes. LinearModel.1 <- lm(GDP.per.head ~ Competitivness.score + Quality.score, data=Dataset) summary(LinearModel.1) predict(LinearModel.1, = FALSE, scale = NULL, df = Inf,interval = c("none", "confidence", "prediction"),level = 0.95, type = c("response", "terms"),terms = NULL) Now, I am trying to draw one graph / plot, where I can have the straight regression line and the prediction interval bands in the same graph / plot to see if the bands are narrow enough to be of use. Could you please help me with my R codes ? Thanks for your precious help, [[alternative HTML version deleted]]