We are happy to inform you that abstract submission for useR! 2014 is now available online, see http://user2014.stat.ucla.edu/ The R User Conference, useR! 2014 is scheduled for July 1-3, 2014 at the University of California, Los Angeles. Before the official program, half-day tutorials will be offered on Monday, June 30. Participants are encouraged to submit a one-page abstract for oral or poster presentation at the conference. For regular talks and posters, please use the recently updated LaTeX or Microsoft Word/LibreOffice Writer abstract templates available at the conference website: http://user2014.stat.ucla.edu/ The deadline for abstract submission is March 30, 2014. The preferred method of abstract and tutorial proposal submission is via the web form at the conference website: http://user2014.stat.ucla.edu/abstract-submission.html We look forward to seeing you at useR! 2014 in California! -- Jeroen, on behalf of the useR! 2014 local organizing committee