2014-Feb-17 16:54 UTC
[R] Convert values below threshold to 0 (different threshold/column)
Hi, May be this helps: set.seed(49) mat1 <- matrix(sample(120,40*13,replace=TRUE),ncol=13) #threshold values set.seed(38) th1 <- sample(30,13,replace=TRUE) indx <- mapply("<",,th1) #or indx1 <- !mapply(findInterval,,th1) #or indx2 <- t((t(mat1)-th1) <0) identical(indx,indx1) #[1] TRUE identical(which(indx),which(indx2)) #[1] TRUE mat1[indx1] <- NA #or 0 mat1 A.K. Hi, I am a beginner and have a 872x13 double matrix. For my calculations I need to replace all values below specific thresholds with 0 or NA. My problem is that I have for each column a different threshold. Thus far, I tried to substract the threshold and then replace a values below 0 with NA and calculated the means using colMeans(M, na.rm TRUE). However, for my purpose I don't want to substract. I am sure there is an easy function which can just define a specific threshold for each column? I already generated a threshold matrix. Thanks for your help. R