Hello Olivier,
Am 06.02.2014 15:05, schrieb Olivier Weinstoerffer:> I'm actually evaluating samba 4 to replace my AD domain. I managed to
> install a first ad controller. The I installed a second one which
> synchronize to the first one. Everything goes well.
> I wanted to test what happens if one controler is down. I stopped the first
> one and tried to create a new user on the second one. I got an error
> message explaining that the global catalog cannot be contacted and the
> unicity of the username cannot be verified.
> On the second ad, samba is listening on the global catalog port.
What version are you running on both hosts?
How did you tried to create the user (ADUC, samba-tool,...)?
Can you check if you have the gc entries for your second DC in your DNS?