On 11-12-2013, at 12:16, eliza botto <eliza_botto at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Dear users of R,
> I'm trying to solve the following 2 equations simultaneously in R for
"x" and "y". I couldn't get through due to my limited
knowledge of R.
> 3=1-[(x-1)!(2x-y-1)!/(2x-1)!(x-y-1)!]
> obviously, ! is factorial.
> kindly help me out on it or at least suggest something.
> I'll be extremely grateful.
There are several packages that solve a system of equations.
ktsolve, nleqslv, BB, which you can find in CRAN Task views: "Numerical
Mathematics? and ?Optimization?.
You will have to write your equations in standard R notation.
I can?t tell if your system is solvable.
> Eliza
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