You could use a slider to move along the x-axis looking at your data in the
specified window width. Below is an example with some fake data.
# some fake data
myx <- 623+1:1000
myy <- 0.01*myx + rnorm(1000)
# width of viewing window
mywindow <- 256
# plot the data with a slider for the viewing window
if (interactive()) {
viewslice <- function(panel) {
# the viewing window is defined by this slice of the x-axis
xslice <- panel$start+c(0, panel$window)
# optional: redefine the range of the y-axis depending on the xslice
yrange <- range(panel$y[panel$x >= xslice[1] & panel$x <=
plot(panel$x, panel$y, xlim=panel$start+c(0, panel$window), ylim=yrange)
panel <- rp.control(x=myx, y=myy, start=1, window=mywindow)
rp.slider(panel, start, min(myx), max(myx)-mywindow, showvalue=TRUE,
On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 8:59 AM, Baro <> wrote:
> I would like to have a relative x-axis in r. I am reading time seris from
> an excel file and I want to show in a plot and also I want to have a window
> which moves over the values.
> My aim ist to see which point belongs to which time(row number in excel
> file). i.e I am reading from 401th row in 1100th column in excel file and
> my window length is 256. here is my code:
> #which column in excel filespalte<-1100
> #start row and end row
> start<-401end<-600
> window<-256
> n<-1
> wb <- loadWorkbook("D:\\MA\\excel_mix_1100.xls")
> dat <-readWorksheet(wb, sheet=getSheets(wb)[1], startRow=start,
> endRow=end, startCol=spalte, endCol=spalte,header=FALSE)
> datalist<-dat[seq(1, length(dat[,1]), by = 2),]
> datalist<-matrix(datalist)while(1+window<=length(datalist)){
> kd<-matrix(as.integer(datalist[n:(n+window-1),1]))
> Sys.sleep(0.2)
> n<-n+1}
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