Sorry, just to clarify:
When I ask "how to do this", I mean what does the RStudio compiler
do? Are there a series of commands that are sent to the shell, similar to
how compiling a .tex file is a call to the command line using "pdflatex
foofile.tex". I'm hoping to just copy these shell commands using a
script, which is easy.
On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 1:39 PM, Adam Hughes <>
> Hey everyone,
> I have several RStudio (.rnw) files that I am using a script to assemble
> into a composite document. For this purpose, it would be helpful if the
> script could automatcially make a call to whatever is called when a user
> opens up one of these files and manually clicks "Compile PDF".
> this would allow me to refresh all of the reports before assimilating their
> pdf's into a composite document.
> Does anyone know offhand how to do this, or if I'm offbase in even
> Thanks
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