I need to print greek symbols IN ITALIC to eps-figures [ideally, using the "Century Schoolbook" font family]. I've found many ways how to print e.g. "mu", but didn't succeed to print "sigma", "rho" or other; even without the "italic" or "font family" restriction. An example: postscript(file="working_example.eps",family="CenturySch") plot(1,1) # prints latin "s" instead of the greek "sigma": text(1,0.9,label="\u3BC + \u3C3",font=3) # prints <U+3#C3> instead of the greek "sigma" text(1,0.8,label=expression(italic("\u3BC" + "\u3C3"))) dev.off() I use gsview 4.8 [with the standard installation of ghostscript 8.53] on winXP SP3 to view the result. THANKS for help! Johann Preuss [[alternative HTML version deleted]]