There are many occurrences of the CIK number in the page source. This pulls
out the first node containing it:
node <- getNodeSet(doc[[1]], "//link[@rel='alternate']" )
>From there you can extract the number. Here's one way to do it.
strsplit(strsplit(unlist(node)[[5]], "CIK=")[[1]][2],
On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 1:34 PM, Sparks, John James <jspark4@uic.edu>
> Dear R Helpers,
> I would like to pull the CIK number from the web page
> If you put this web page into your browser you will see the CIK number in
> red on the left side of the page near the top.
> When I try the basic
> require(scrapeR)
> require(XML)
> require(RCurl)
> doc
> <-htmlTreeParse("
> ")
> str(doc)
> I get a large number of items in the data frame that I don't know how
> interpret. Both
> tables <- readHTMLTable(doc)
> and
> list<-xmlToList(doc)
> result in errors.
> Any (positive) guidance would be much appreciated.
> --John J. Sparks, Ph.D.
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