Version 2.4-3 of the pls package has been released. Windows and OSX binaries should appear shortly. The pls package implements Partial Least Squares Regression, Principal Component Regression and Canonical Powered PLS Regression. The major changes are: - Can now perform cross-validation in parallel, using the facilities of the 'parallel' package. See ?pls.options and the examples in ?mvr for details. (Note: in order to use MPI, packages 'snow' and 'Rmpi' must be installed, because 'parallel' rely on them for MPI parallelisation.) Other user-visible changes: - In order to comply with current CRAN submission policies, pls.options() no longer stores the modified option list in the global environment. This has the effect that the options will have to be set every time R is started, even if the work space was saved an loaded. -- Regards, Bjørn-Helge Mevik _______________________________________________ R-packages mailing list ______________________________________________ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.