Hi, I'm doing research with biodata where I'm trying to predict disease state from many biomarkers. Unfortunately it's not a common disease, so the sample size is small. When I run the model as a glm, it has separation issues. Consequently, I ran the model using logistf with no problems. Now, however, I want to use the stepAIC function, but it doesn't recognize logistf as an lm or glm object. What I'm wondering is if there's a way to still do stepAIC with this package. Can I just convert the logistf results to a glm object? Is there already a function that is able to work with this package? I've seen that someone asked a similar question here: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/model-selection-using-logistf-package-td3846958.html That question was answered, but the response didn't have much of an explanation and I'm not sure that it would apply with AIC selection. Thanks in advance for the help! Dustin [[alternative HTML version deleted]]