Stanislav Aggerwal <stan.aggerwal <at>> writes:
> I have searched the r-help archive and saw only one
> unanswered post related
> to mine.
Take a look at the r-sig-mixed-models (
mailing list and archive ...>
> My design is as follows.
> - y is Bernoulli response
> - x1 is continuous variable
> - x2 is categorical (factor) variable with two levels
> The experiment is completely within subjects. That is, each subject
> receives each combination of x1 and x2.
> This is a repeated measures logistic regression set-up.
> The experiment will
> give two ogives for p(y==1) vs x1, one for level1 and one
> for level2 of x2.
> The effect of x2 should be that for level2 compared to level1, the ogive
> should have a shallower slope and increased intercept.
> I am struggling with finding the model using lme4. Here is a guess at it:
> glmer(y~x1*x2 +(1|subject),family=binomial)
> So far as I understand it, the 1|subject part says
> that subject is a random
> effect. But I do not really understand the notation or
> how to specify that x1 and x2 are repeated measures variables.
> In the end I want a model that
> includes a random effect for subjects, and gives estimated slopes and
> intercepts for level1 and level2.
I believe you want
glmer(y~x1*x2 +(x1*x2|subject),family=binomial,data=...)
(I strongly recommend including the data= argument in your call)
This will give a population-level estimate of
intercept (log-odds in group 1 at x1=0)
treatment effect on intercept (log-odds(level2,x1=0)-log-odds(level1,x=0))
log-odds slope in level 1
difference in slopes
as well as among-individual variances in all four of these parameters,
and covariances among all the parameters (i.e. a 4x4 variance-covariance
matrix for these parameters).
For binary data and estimating 4 fixed + 10 RE parameters
(i.e., variances and covariances), you're going to need a lot of data --
very conservatively, 140 total observations.
It may help to center your x1 variable.
and the r-sig-mixed-models mailing list.