Soumitro Dey
2013-Jul-23 14:14 UTC
[R] percent correctly predicted (PCP) zeros for hurdle model
Hello all, I am using the hurdle model for fitting my count data using the pscl package which is working fine. However, I am stuck with the problem of calculating the percent correctly predicted (PCP) zeros for hurdle model. The method I am trying to use to achieve this is 'hitmiss' in the pscl package (ref: When I do:> hitmiss(hnegbin1) #hnegbin is the hurdle modelI get the following error: Error in UseMethod("hitmiss") : no applicable method for 'hitmiss' applied to an object of class "hurdle" FYI, equation I used for building hurdle model: hurdle(formula = Y ~ X | X, dist = "negbin", zero.dist = "binomial") Could someone please let me know what I am doing wrong? Thanks! [[alternative HTML version deleted]]