Hi, dat<-read.table(text=" ? 1 0? 1? 1? 1? 1 ?? 0? 0? 1? 0? 0? 1 ?? 1? 0? 0? 0? 0? 0 ?? 2? 1? 1? 2? 1? 1 ",sep="",header=FALSE) ?which(sapply(seq_len(nrow(dat)),function(i) wilcox.test(unlist(dat[i,]))$p.value)>0.05) #there will be warnings() though #[1] 2 3 table(sapply(seq_len(nrow(dat)),function(i) wilcox.test(unlist(dat[i,]))$p.value)>0.05) #FALSE? TRUE #??? 2???? 2? Regarding the warnings(), please check: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/What-are-ties-Wilcox-u-test-td857059.html A.K. I have some data like this... 1 ? 1 ?0 ?1 ?1 ?1 ?1 2 ? 0 ?0 ?1 ?0 ?0 ?1 3 ? 1 ?0 ?0 ?0 ?0 ?0 4 ? 2 ?1 ?1 ?2 ?1 ?1 ?and I have a expression lapply(Wilcox.test, function(testNew) apply(Specc[,-c(1:3)],1,function(x) get(testNew)(x)$p.value)) that gives me a p-values for each row. I need to count how many p-values are more than 0.05. How can I do this? I have always different errors... Thank you