Hello, I have a question about interfacing with the Atlas of Living Australia website: http://biocache.ala.org.au/#tab_simpleSearch The following code works and I am able to download species observations. The problem I am having is that I would like additional fields of data. If I manually download records for a species from ALA then you can choose to download all records (detailed). I cannot figure out how to automate this. I specifically need the field “Locality”. If done correctly this information would be present in the rawResponse data that is returned from ALA. Any help with this problem would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Daisy species<-"Vinca minor" nRecords=FALSE library(RCurl) library(rjson) sp <- strsplit(as.character(species)," ")[[1]] h <- basicHeaderGatherer() BaseALA_Data_URL <- "biocache.ala.org.au" Referer <- "" DataStr <- paste0("/ws/webportal/occurrences?q=",sp[1],"+",sp[2]) message("Querying number of records...") rawResponse <- getURL(paste0(BaseALA_Data_URL,DataStr), headerfunction h$update) ResponseCode <- as.integer(h$value()["status"]) if(ResponseCode == 200) { jsres <- fromJSON(rawResponse) } else { message("No proper response.") return(invisible()) } nrecords <- jsres$totalRecords if(nRecords)return(nrecords) message("Downloading ", nrecords, " records.") # Download all DataStr <- paste0(DataStr, "&pageSize=", nrecords) rawResponse <- getURL(paste0(BaseALA_Data_URL,DataStr), headerfunction h$update) if(ResponseCode == 200) { jsres <- fromJSON(rawResponse) } else { message("No proper response.") return(invisible()) } totalRecords <- jsres$totalRecords res <- lapply(jsres$occurrences, function(x)c(nameSci=x$raw_scientificName, latitude=x$decimalLatitude, longitude=x$decimalLongitude)) res <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, res)) res$longitude <- as.numeric(as.character(res$longitude)) res$latitude <- as.numeric(as.character(res$latitude)) [[alternative HTML version deleted]]