Jonsson <amen.alyaari <at>> writes:
> Hello All,
> I am having a problem with this:
> file<-array(dim=c(1440,720,700,3))
> Error in array(dim = c(1440, 720, 700, 3)) :
> 'dim' specifies too large an array
> I have a memory of 20GB, But I do not know where is the problem!Any help
> When I replaced 700 by any number bellow like( 600,500),it worked without
> any problem.
From :
Prior to R 3.0.0, all vectors in R were restricted to at most 2^31 - 1
> 1440*720*700*3
[1] 2177280000> 2^31-1
[1] 2147483647
So you need R>=3.0.0 (on a 64-bit system).
Ben Bolker