On 20.06.2013 16:46, David martin wrote:> Hi ,
> When using errorest on a large dataset (12000 variables) it performs
> very slow. By looking at the randomforest package it says that for
> largedatasets the use of the formula is discouraged.
> So it's better to use the x and y terms as the example below:
> do.trace=5, ntree=500)
> Would it be possible to modify errorest so that it uses x and y rather
> than formula. I think that would increase speed on large datasets.
> errorest(type~.,data=mydate, model=randomForest,mtry=2)#will perform slow
> errorest(x=type,y=variables,data=mydate,
> model=randomForest,mtry=2)#would perform faster if implemented
Talk to the maintainer of the package you found errorest() in?
Uwe Ligges
> thanks,
> david
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