On 15/04/2013, at 1:27 AM, Peter Hicks
<peter.hicks-AEjVCzJlOor10XsdtD+oqA@public.gmane.org> wrote:
> All,
> I''ve been struggling to find a neat solution to this problem for a
couple of weeks now, so I''d love to hear anyone else''s
opinion. I''m on Rails 3.2.13 and Ruby 1.9.3-p392.
> I have a table of train schedules, and a table of train schedule locations
with a has_many association. Each schedule has a set of validity dates, e.g.
each Friday between 1st January and 28th September. The times in the schedule
locations table are all ''seconds since midnight on the day the train
runs'': where a train runs over midnight, the number of seconds is
greater than 86400.
> Whilst this is reasonably ''clean'', I want to re-engineer
the schedule location model to return a Time object for each location,
calculated on the fly based on the date I queried the schedule model for, i.e.
Schedule.where(:runs_on => Date.parse(''2013-01-01'')) will
return a Schedule model with an instance variable ''runs_on'',
and when I request the associated schedule locations, the
''arrival_time'' and ''departure_time'' fields
are auto-calculated based on the instance variable in the schedule model.
> Is this a sensible way to do things? Is this even possible or am I
over-engineering it?
> Peter
Let''s do some architecture and modelling, shall we?
From what I can tell, the classes in your system are TrainSchedule and
ScheduleLocation. Right off the bat these aren''t clear to me. What are
the responsibilities of each class? I can get a pretty good guess at
TrainSchedule easily, but not ScheduleLocation. Is schedule location a train
schedule taylored to a particular location?
A model should exist to provide allow a set of messages. What do your models
need to do and know? It''s very useful to think of things in terms of a
set of things that you can send to your model (its messages) because this gives
you an interface to deal with as a user of this model.
So it''s good to describe what each class is for... and to deeply ask
yourself what each class *is*. From your initial modelling, I''m not
100% sure what you want to put in and get out of the system.
Do you want to put in a series of locations (which know the distance between
themselves along the trainline), and from there, you can build a schedule
dynamically? That sounds like a great way to do it, however it''s very
different than what you''ve proposed.
Or do you simply want a schedule to hold a list of locations and the times that
the train will arrive at a certain stop at? This seems more in line with what
you''ve described already exists.
How you architect the internal workings of your classes & system should be
dictated to by the external requirements on that system and if you''re
not telling us what those requirements are, we cannot help you architect the
organisation of the internal workings of your classes to best obtain those
outcomes or requirements.
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