On 30 March 2013 20:59, Jay notReq
wrote:> On the left hand side of my page there is a list of documents that the
> user has already created. And a form to create/edit documents.
> | list of documents| Edit/Create documents|
> | | |
> | | |
> I am trying to do the following
> 1) Show form for creating a new document when the page first loads.And
> on button click reload the page with the updated list and the document
> newly created.
> 2) When user clicks on one of the existing documents I want to update
> the form to display the details of the document.
> I was thinking that partials would be the way to do this.
> I have part of (1) done. Now I ''m trying to load the details of
> existing documents.
> Any suggestions on how to fix the following error and secondly reload
> page when a new document is created.
I would ask one question at a time, otherwise the thread will get side
tracked. First fix the error.
> undefined local variable or method `document'' for
> #<#<Class:0x007fb10b926c60>:0x007fb109fad478>
> Extracted source (around line #1):
> 1: <%= form_for document do |f| %>
> 2: <div class="field">
> 3: <%= f.label :name %><br />
> 4: <%= f.text_field :name %>
> Index.html.erb
> ...
> <%= link_to ''New Document'', new_document_path %>
> </div>
> <div id="docEdit">
> <%= render :partial => "form", :locals => {
:document =>
> Document.new } %>
Are you sure you have not got another call to the form partial
somewhere else, and have forgotten the locals specification there?
If not then have a look at the Rails Guide on debugging which will
show you techniques that you can use to debug the code.
> ...
> _form.html.erb
> <%= form_for document do |f| %>
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