[SOLVED] not related to UTF-8 , but rather to a script in my lib
performing a wrong transliteration
value = aString.mb_chars.normalize(:kd).gsub(/[^\x00-\x7F]/n,
'''').to_s # replace non-ASCII
this is not needed anymore, using Rails 3 I can replace accentuated
characters with : name.parameterize
On May 11, 11:53 am, Erwin <yves_duf...-ee4meeAH724@public.gmane.org>
wrote:> [Rails 3.2.3 / Ruby 1.9.3 I18n.locale :fr .. => accentuated
> characters => need UTF-8)
> It''s very annoying that I need to place an '' # encoding:
utf-8'' at
> the beginning of most of my Rails script files ...
> I can understand when using strings w accentuated characters in yaml
> files, but I just found another scenario in which I also had to insert
> it at the beginning of a model script file ...
> I have a Partner model :
> class Partner < ActiveRecord::Base
> belongs_to :area
> ...
> attr_accessor :location
> validates :location, :location => { :unless => Proc.new { |p|
> p.location.blank? } }
> with a LocationValidator ( validating the location with Google via
> the Geocoder gem .. )
> during my tests I placed a puts command to check the value before
> calling the GeoCoder.. as this value is auto-generated w Faker gem
> .
> class LocationValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
> def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
> puts "location: #{value}"
> results = Geocoder.search(value)
> ....
> running the test , I got a warning in the console>
pport/multibyte/chars.rb:59: warning: regexp match /.../n against to UTF-8
> location: 62, Chemin Albrecht Altdorfer ,72120 ,Évaillé ,France
> I inserted '' # encoding: utf-8'' in my location
> script ... wo any change , so
> I inserted also '' # encoding: utf-8'' in my Partner model
script et
> voilà, the warning doesn''t display in the console....
> It seems that we need to place '' # encoding: utf-8''
> when using UTF-8 .... which is the default ...
> I have in my environment.rb
> Encoding.default_external = "UTF-8"
> Encoding.default_internal = "UTF-8"
> and in my application.rb
> config.encoding = "utf-8"
> Is there any clear recommendation when using UTF-8 that could avoid me
> to insert '' # encoding: utf-8'' everywhere ?
> feedback welcome
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