On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 8:17 PM, Ryan F.
<lists-fsXkhYbjdPsEEoCn2XhGlw@public.gmane.org> wrote:
> I think this was working at one point but now i dont know if i ever
> tested it. The problem is that it is not sending the value in the text
> field as a parameter when submit is pressed. so in the submitBid method
> in the controller params[:bidAmount] = nil no matter what is typed in
> the field.
> <% form_remote_tag(:url => {:action =>
''submitBid''}, :condition =>
> "bidCheck()") do%>
> <td><%= text_field_tag :bidAmount , "", { :id =>
''bidAmount'', :size =>
> 4, :onKeyPress => "return numbersonly(this,event)" }
> <td id="btnSubmit"> <%= submit_tag
''Bid'' %></td>
> <% end %>
can you put the output of the server for the submit action?
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