On Dec 16, 10:23 am, Mike Disuza
wrote:> Hi,
> I am trying out the cucumber tutorial
> http://www.ultrasaurus.com/sarahblog/2008/12/rails-2-day-3-behavior-d...
> My tasklist.feature file is like as follows
> "
> Feature: Tasks
> In order to keep track of tasks
> People should be able to
> Create a list of tasks
> Scenario: List Tasks
> Given that I have created a task "task 1"
> When I go to the tasks page
> Then I should see "task 1"
> "
> My tasklist_steps.rb file is as follows:-
> "
> Given /^that I have created a task "(.*)"$/ do |desc|
> Task.create!(:description => desc)
> end
> When /^I go to the tasks page$/ do
> visit "/tasks"
> end
> "
> Whenever I am doing "rake cucumber:all" I am getting following
> ".F-
> (::) failed steps (::)
> Ambiguous match of "I go to the tasks page":
> features/step_definitions/tasklist_steps.rb:5:in `/^I go to the tasks
> page$/''
> features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb:19:in `/^(?:|I )go to
> You can run again with --guess to make Cucumber be more smart about it
> (Cucumber::Ambiguous)
> features/tasklist.feature:8:in `When I go to the tasks page''
> Failing Scenarios:
> cucumber features/tasklist.feature:6 # Scenario: List Tasks
> 1 scenario (1 failed)
> 3 steps (1 failed, 1 skipped, 1 passed)
> 0m0.063s
> rake aborted!
> Command failed with status (1): [/usr/local/ruby2/bin/ruby -I
> "/usr/local/r...]
> (See full trace by running task with --trace)
> "
> Can anyone tell me what is the wrong with my test code?
You have defined step in the tasklist_steps.rb and same step is
already defined in web_steps.rb during:
rails cucumber:install
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