Peak IT, The Three P?s Of Internet Prosperity
Whether your home business is an Internet home business where your sole
venture is making money online, or you work at home servicing local
customers, you still need Internet marketing.
No matter what your own home business ideas or the home business
opportunities of others you use to make money online, you?re going to have
to promote that home business primarily through the Internet. About the only
time your work at home wouldn?t involve Internet marketing is if you had an
at home job working for someone else and your job tasks didn?t involve
For most of you who work at home, however, Internet marketing is a must.
If you will remember the three P?s of Internet marketing you will succeed.
These are Patience, Perseverance, and Punctuality. Let?s take a look at why
each of these is important to your Internet home business.
Patience is crucial if you are to succeed at your home business. While there
are plenty of folks on the Web offering home business opportunities that
will make you vast amounts of money in incredibly short time periods with
very little outlay of money and just a few hours of work each week, don?t
believe what they say. It?s just not true. Growing a home business ? growing
any business ? takes a lot of time, a lot of effort, and a fair amount of
upfront costs. It?s vital that you don?t buy into what can only be a
frustrating experience, and a loss of time and money, by launching one of
the business opportunities that promise big bucks tomorrow. You must assume,
no matter what your home business, that you will not make enough money
online to ?give up your day job? and really live off your work at home
income for 2-3 years. If you can?t keep you and your family in sound
financial shape through other means, then you must find funding that will do
so, or just wait until you can before starting your home business.
Perseverance is crucial to a successful Internet business. Products, tools
and even some of consumer?s demands and expectations for the Internet change
almost daily. You must stay on top of those changes. It?s not enough to set
up your Web site, put your URL on major search engines, create your blog and
place your ads and then just wait for the money to roll in. Your Web site
must offer continually changing content; you must update your promotional
materials often and continually search out new advertisers and sponsors in
order to encourage new and repeat traffic. If your search engine
optimization includes paid search engines (and it should) you?ll have to
keep a continual eye on where your home business site falls in search
results and re-bid as needed. Your blog should have some change daily, even
if it?s only minimal. The more often you add new material the greater your
repeat traffic.
This brings us to Punctuality. Whether you are trying to make money online
or at a brick and mortar location, or through the old fashioned snail mail
print catalog method there is one maxim that has rung true for decades ? and
will probably still be true one or two centuries from now. It is far easier
to keep and grow profits from a current customer than it is to find a new
one. While you certainly want new customers you also want to pay attention
to your local customers too. These folks are the ones to bring in many of
your new customers, after all. Punctuality is the key to repeat traffic. If
you are going to update your Web content, do so on a regular basis. Do it at
the same time each day, the same day each week. Let your loyal viewers know
that your Internet business site will have a brand new product launch, or a
new business executive profile, or a new column out by 6am each Tuesday ?
and then don?t let it be 6:05 by the time it?s visible. This makes for loyal
and repeat customers. Better yet, introduce your weekly sale or your weekly
promotions at the same time of the same day each week and watch your traffic
?and your revenue - skyrocket.
The basic tools for marketing your Internet home business are article
writing, search engine optimization, e-newsletter or e-zines, direct mail
and affiliations. None of these, however, will work if you don?t practice
the three P?s of Patience, Perseverance and Punctuality.
Seppo Lamsa is owner of and writes on a variety of subjects. To learn more
about this topic Seppo recommends you visit:
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