Hi, can you post the whole routes.rb file content?
2010/5/8 badnaam <asitkmishra-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w@public.gmane.org>
> I am trying to populate a select element based on the selection change
> in another select element, all this via ajax.
> I created a custom action called getsubcat and added it to my
> routes.rb
> map.resources :gcertsteps, :has_many => [:merchants], :collection =>
> {:getsubcat => :get}
> my getsubcat action is pretty simple, it just returns a hash, does not
> even hit the db. For some reason the ajax call is actually calling
> the #show method not the getsubcat method and I get an error that
> says..can''t find <model_name> with id=subcat!!
> Why is the show action being called when I am specifically calling the
> getsubcat action?
> <%= f.input :category_name, :as => :select, :collection =>
> Gcertstep::CATEGORIES.keys %>
> <%= observe_field :gcertstep_category_name, :url => {:action =>
> "getsubcat"}, :method => :get, :frequency => 0.5, :with
> "''category_name='' + encodeURIComponent(value)"
> Baffling..any ideas?
> Thanks
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