On 21 February 2010 05:50, mac
> hello,
> i have database for dynamic website in which i need to store
> information about each menu and its relationship with other menu.
> it is obvious that each menu can have several submenu but each submenu
> must belong to one and ony one menu.
> so database goes like this
> Pk_Content_id=>integer
> title =>integer, it is name of menu
> Image_path=>string, path of image
> Content_text=> text contained on click of every menu or description
> fK_parent_content_id => integer , THIS LINKS BACK TO pk_content_id ,as
> is a foreign key
> what i want is to relate pk_content_id and fk_parent_content_id (which
> are in same table)
The term you''re looking for is "self referential" - very
handy when
Authors have Readers, or Employees have Managers...
You''ll find lots of tutorials online, but essentially you set it up
# Menu model
has_many :children, :class_name => "Menu", :foreign_key =>
"parent_content_id" # those ''pk/fk'' prefixes are not
really good from
the Rails conventions
belongs_to :parent, , :class_name => "Menu"
But you might find that one of the "nesting" algorithms suits your
need better - seeing as it seems you might be constantly recurring
down the menus, "awesome_nested_set" might be worth a look.
Hope this helps put you on track.
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