Gal Bar-or wrote:> Sorry in advance if this is on the wrong forum/topic.
> I''m a novice ruby developer, starting to use ActiveRecord, and am
> getting stuck with the following problem:
> I have a class defined:
> class User < ActiveRecord::Base
> set_table_name "users"
> has_one :locations
> has_one :sessions
> has_many :task_postings
> has_many :task_descriptions
> def get_messages(uid)
> user = User.find(:first, :conditions => [ "id =
''#{uid}''" ])
> if(user) then
> return user.messages_waiting
> end
> return nil
> end
> end
> In order to call the method, I have to create an instance of the class
> and refer to the method:
> new_user =
> new_user.get_messages(1)
> If I call the method by referring to the class, User.get_messages, I get
> a non-existent method error. What I wanted is to be able to call the
> class as follows:
> User.get_messages(1)
> in order to do that, I re-defined the class as:
> def self.get_messages(uid)
No, actually you don''t want to do this. get_messages is conceptually a
property of an individual user, not of the User class.
You also don''t need uid as an argument, since the User object
calling this on already knows its id. The proper way to do this would
def get_messages # note: no arguments
Finally, get_* is somewhat unidiomatic in Ruby; this method should
perhaps just be called messages.
Marnen Laibow-Koser
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