> I have been researching on an image uploader plugin to use for my
> application.
> I have my eyes of fleximage at the moment.
> One of the links I read was http://github.com/Squeegy/fleximage.
> Pretty neat I must say.
> I just have some questions:
> 1) Seems to be that thumbnails generation and rendering of images (ie
> uploaded images get applied with watermarks) happen dynamically (ie.
> the watermarked thumbnails are generated when a request is made).
> Sorry, looked at the source code for Resize and it seems to be the
> case.
> Can anyone confirm that this is the case?
This is true. But you can cache the result to disk using Rails
caches_page... Long ago I had this in one of my controllers:
class HomeController < ApplicationController
caches_page :photo, :thumb
flex_image :action => ''photo'',
:class => Photo,
:quality => 95,
:shadow => {
:color => ''#000'',
:background => ''#fff'',
:blur => 4,
:offset => ''2x2'',
:opacity => 0.75
:overlay => {
:file => ''public/images/watermark.png'',
:alignment => :bottom_right,
:offset => 0
# there was a thumb one too, but have removed it to save room.
If you go to the url below the thumbnails are generated (and cached)
using the above code and if you click on the image you''ll see the
larger version with watermark.
> 2) Has anyone used FlexImage in their production environment and can
> comment if dynamically generating images would take up the
> available resources (ie. memory footprint)?
They will take up RAM when being generated. If you cache them they
will take up disk space, but after that are like any other image.
> 3) Has anyone got another plugin to recommend that would satisfy the
> following criteria?
> - can resize thumbnails to different sizes (ie, small, medium,
> large)?
> - can apply watermarks to uploaded images?
> - images can be stored in either database or file system ( allows
> future expansion or swap from one storage method to another)
paperclip can do this I think. I know it can resize and if you google
I''m sure someone has instructions on how to set it up to watermark the
images (it uses ImageMagick underneath which can watermark so should
be doable). Images can be stored in the filesystem or on S3. Not
sure about in a database (just never paid attention to that part).
> thank you
> >