The plugin in this case is acts_as_taggable_on_steroid, which has classes Tag, Tagging and TagList, and a module ActiveRecord::Acts::Taggable which adds the acts_as_taggable method to all classes (so that when the call it they have some other modules included at the class and instance level, giving them the acts as taggable methods). I have some extra methods i want to add to the Tag class and also to to taggable classes. But, i can''t work out how to set this up in such a way as my additional Tag methods sit on top of the exisiting Tag methods, for example. There must be a standard procedure for this situation - can anyone help me out? (i''m guessing the best practise isn''t to physically add my own methods into the plugin''s classes/modules) Thanks max The plugin has this structure for the acts_as_taggable methods - module ActiveRecord #:nodoc: module Acts #:nodoc: module Taggable #:nodoc: def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def acts_as_taggable has_many :taggings, :as => :taggable, :dependent => :destroy, :include => :tag has_many :tags, :through => :taggings before_save :save_cached_tag_list after_create :save_tags after_update :save_tags include ActiveRecord::Acts::Taggable::InstanceMethods extend ActiveRecord::Acts::Taggable::SingletonMethods alias_method_chain :reload, :tag_list end ... end module SingletonMethods ... end module InstanceMethods ... end end end end ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, ActiveRecord::Acts::Taggable) -- Posted via