The optional question should be pretty easy to solve.
ActiveRecord::Base has a method called ''connected?''.
I am not that experienced with multiple connections, though, so I''d
rather let somebody else give you an more intelligent answer than I
On Sep 3, 1:32 am, Marc Hoeppner
wrote:> Hi List,
> I figure that rails is the most appropriate board to post this in, tho
> my problem is not necessarily rails-specific, but rather an active
> records issue.
> So here goes:
> I am working on an ruby-implementation of an API to a large genome
> database. This database is in reality split into multiple database, one
> for each sequenced genome. There is on ''central'' database
that holds
> comparative data between genomes and references the corresponding
> organism-specific database for fetching the actual data.
> Connecting to any of these genomes works by specifying the organism name
> in the connection method
> SomeModule::DBConnection.connect(''homo_sapiens''). So the
Module/Class is
> always the same, except the organism name which specifies which database
> to connect to.
> What happens tho if I try to fetch data from multiple genomes in a row
> is that the ruby process locks up eventually. I am guessing it has
> something to do with active records and how it manages these
> connections. For example, I am not using (and don''t know how) a
> termination signal that would close the old connection as I figure that
> this shouldn''t be an issue if a new one is created to replace the
> one (?).
> Anyhow, I know this may be a little confusing but I guess you get the
> idea.
> My question is: What to do about this issue (multiple database
> connections in rapid succession via the same DBConnection class) - is
> there a more sophisticated way to handle this? Also,optional question,
> how does one properly deal with dropped connections (which could be part
> of the issue)?
> Cheers,
> Marc
> --
> Posted via