On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 2:06 PM,
> Hey Again,
> So I''m still working through AWDwR and I''ve just
completed the
> authentication section for users. I understand the idea behind salts
> and general authentication. The part I feel I''m missing is when
> first salt is created and stored to the db.
Assuming your are talking about the 3rd ed. It''s on pages 161-62
On p 162 is the method create_new_salt which computes the salt. That
method is called in the passwd= method on p162 which calls
create_new_salt and then computes the hashed password from the
password and the salt.
If it''s not the 3rd edition, then I''m pretty sure
it''s there but just
on different page numbers.
Rick DeNatale
Blog: http://talklikeaduck.denhaven2.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/RickDeNatale
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