bill walton wrote:> Hi John,
> On Sat, 2009-08-08 at 17:00 +0200, John Small wrote:
>> In my environment.rb I set a whole bunch of observers to be active by
>> default. In testing I don''t want to do that, I want to turn
observers on
>> and off as required so that I can isolate the things I''m
>> How do I do it?
> The settings in environment.rb are over-ridden by the settings in the
> environment-specific configs. Surest way to make this happen is to not
> put them in environment.rb but rather to specify the ones you want to
> run in each mode in the appropriate file in config/environments
> HTH,
> Bill
well yes, but what I really need is test specific settings for my
observers. What I don''t want is to be testing the observers for a
when I should be testing the model on its own and testing the observers
separately. If I start the observers running in the appropriate file in
config/environments then they''ll be running for all my tests. How do I
stop and start them inside my tests?
John Small
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