I am having trouble getting the form select helper to use non-numeric values. The form is pasted below... I want the f.select to have values "home", "category", etc, not numeric values like shown. However, it does not seem to work to use ["Home Page", ''home'']. From what I can find in the guides, all the examples use numeric values. Any ideas? Thanks, Andrew Pace ------------------------------------------------------------- <% form_for(@product) do |f| %> <%= f.error_messages %> <p> <%= f.label :name %><br /> <%= f.text_field :name %> </p> <p> <%= f.label :description %><br /> <%= f.text_area :description %> </p> <p> <%= f.label :specs %><br /> <%= f.text_area :specs %> </p> <p> <%= f.label :price %><br /> <%= f.text_field :price %> </p> <p> <%= f.label :location %><br /> <%= f.select(:location, options_for_select([[''-Select-'', ''''], [''Home Page'', 1], [''Manufacturer Page'', 2], [''Category Page'', 3], [''Product Page Only'', 4]], @product.location)) %> </p> <p> <%= f.label :tag_id %> <%= f.collection_select :tag_ids, Tag.find(:all, :order => ''name''), :id, :name, {}, :multiple => true %> </p> <p> <%= f.submit button_label %> </p> <% end %>