I was having fun with rails right up until ajax. And now want to burn the
whole thing down. Please explain what I am doing wrong here.
index.html.erb contains:
<%= javascript_include_tag ''prototype'' %>
<p id="rjs">I AM RJS</p>
<%= link_to_remote("hello", :update => "rjs", :url
=> {:action =>
"hello_dude"}) %>
the controller file contains:
def hello_dude
render :text => Time. now
So far everything is works. Now I try use let the rjs file :
change the controller file to
def hello _dude
respond_to do |format|
With the hello_dude.rjs file containing:
page.insert_html :bottom, :rjs, Time.now.to_s
Here is what shows up in my browser:
try { Element.insert("RJS", { bottom: "Wed Jul 22 23:28:17 -0700
2009" }); }
catch (e) { alert(''RJS error:\n\n'' + e.toString());
alert(''Element.insert(\"RJS\", { bottom: \"Wed Jul 22
23:28:17 -0700 2009\"
});''); throw e }
hello <http://localhost:80/orders?search=shoes#>
I don''t get it. Please help me get rid of this annoying error message.
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