Hi All,
As I suspected, it was a very simple mistake in the original code
which I had picked up from the web.
Issue: the destination path didn''t contain a valid directory.
I suspect the original code probably worked on a different platform
(probably Windows).
Here is the complete working solution, which I have rewritten to
eliminate some of the older rails code.
************ Working solution
### dir: [app/models] file: data_file.rb
class DataFile < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.save(upload)
# Changed Default Destination: [__RAILS_DIR__/public/data]
name = "data/" + upload.original_filename
File.open(name, "wb") { |f| f.write(upload.read) }
### dir: [app/controllers] file: upload_controller.rb
class UploadController < ApplicationController
def index
render :file => ''upload/uploadfile.rhtml''
def uploadFile
file_param = params[:upload][:datafile]
post = DataFile.save(file_param)
render :text => "File has been uploaded successfully"
### dir: [app/views/upload] file: uploadfile.rhtml
<h1>File Upload</h1>
<% form_for :upload,:url=>{:action =>
''uploadFile''},:html =>
{ :multipart => true } do |f| %>
<p><label for="upload_file">Select File</label> :
<%= f.file_field ''datafile'' %></p>
<%= f.submit "Upload" %>
<% end %>
### run application
On Jul 20, 7:40 am, GuruOne
wrote:> Hi All,
> Please help. I am sure there is something obvious I am overlooking in
> the code but I cannot see it. Please note, as detailed below, I am on
> Bluehost using Rails 2.2.2.
> The code is example code from TutorialsPoint
> - URL:http://www.tutorialspoint.com/ruby-on-rails/rails-file-uploading.htm
> and modified to run on Linux bluehost.
> On bluehost
> -http://upload.datajazz.com/
> gives standard ''Welcome Page''
> -http://upload.datajazz.com/upload/index
> presents html page for file upload
> upload file selection works
> failure occurs on ''Upload'' button click
> Issue Summary:
> - ''nil'' whereas it should be variables being passed from
> uploadfile.rhtml
> - Line 3 in [app/models] data_file.rb
> name = upload[''datafile''].original_filename # Line 3
> - Line 7 in [app/controllers] upload_controller.rb
> post = DataFile.save(params[:upload]) # Line 7
> Regards
> ### Environment information
> Hosting service: Bluehost
> ### Rails Environment
> Ruby version 1.8.6 (x86_64-linux)
> RubyGems version 1.3.1
> Rails version 2.2.2
> Active Record version 2.2.2
> Action Pack version 2.2.2
> Active Resource version 2.2.2
> Action Mailer version 2.2.2
> Active Support version 2.2.2
> Application root ~/rails/upload
> Environment development
> Database adapter sqlite3
> Database schema version 0
> ### Relevant source files
> ### dir: [app/models] file: data_file.rb
> class DataFile < ActiveRecord::Base
> def self.save(upload)
> name = upload[''datafile''].original_filename # Line 3
> directory = "public/data"
> # create the file path
> path = File.join(directory, name)
> # create or over-write file ''path'' with
''datafile'' contents
> File.open(path, "wb") { |f|
f.write(upload[''datafile''].read) }
> end
> end
> ### dir: [app/controllers] file: upload_controller.rb
> class UploadController < ApplicationController
> def index
> render :file => ''upload/uploadfile.rhtml''
> end
> def uploadFile
> post = DataFile.save(params[:upload]) # Line 7
> render :text => "File has been uploaded successfully"
> end
> end
> ### dir: [app/views/upload] file: uploadfile.rhtml
> <h1>File Upload</h1>
> <% form_tag :action => ''uploadFile'',
> :multipart => true do %>
> <p><label for="upload_file">Select File</label>
> <%= file_field ''upload'', ''datafile''
> <%= submit_tag "Upload" %>
> <% end %>
> ### run applicationhttp://upload.datajazz.com/upload/index
> ### Error Output
> NoMethodError in UploadController#uploadFile
> You have anilobject when you didn''t expect it!
> You might have expected an instance of ActiveRecord::Base.
> The error occurred while evaluatingnil.[]
> RAILS_ROOT: ~/rails/upload
> Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
> app/models/data_file.rb:3:in `save''
> app/controllers/upload_controller.rb:7:in `uploadFile''
> Request
> Parameters:
> {"multipart"=>"true",
> "commit"=>"Upload",
> Show session dump
> Response
> Headers:
> {"cookie"=>[],
> "Content-Type"=>"",
> "Cache-Control"=>"no-cache"}