I''ve got the following code in my view for an application I''m
<p>Type the surname of the customer you wish to see:
<% form_remote_tag(:url => {:action => "findcust"}) do
<%= text_field_with_auto_complete :customer, :last,
{ :indicator => "activity_indicator", :size => 20},
:skip_style => true,
:method => :get,
:after_update_element => "function(element,value){" +
remote_function( :url => { :action
=> :findcust }, :with=>"''id=''+element.value")
+ ";" +
"this.value=''""'';" + "}"
<% end %>
But, for some reason, it''s placing a line break between the colon and
the input field. How can I stop it doing this?
I''ve tried putting the following in my CSS but to no avail:
input {
display: block;
Any help greatfully received!