On Jun 11, 6:03 am, macwise
wrote:> I''m new to ruby, and I''m tweaking a plugin. Can you show
me how I
> would close a window upon clicking a submit button? Here''s the
> on the xhtml page: <%= submit_tag "Save" %>
> And the code on the controller.rb page: redirect_to params.slice
> (:filter, :sort_by, :key_type, :key_pattern, :text_type,
> ({:action => :index})
> As I stated, I would like this last line to close instead of
> redirecting to index. Thanks!
You''ll need some javascript to accomplish that. for an ajax form you
could simply use the appropriate callbacks, for a non ajax form I
suppose you could redirect to or a render a page which just had a
small fragment of javascript that said window.close()