Hi I miss something I don''t understand what? i have form: ho calls def contacts_mailer mail = Notifier.create_contact_request(params[:contact]) Notifier.deliver(mail) @contact = Contact.new @contact.file_file_name=params[:contact][:file].original_filename @contact.file_content_type=params[:contact][:file].content_type @contact.file=params[:contact][:file].read @contact.save redirect_to :action => ''contact'' #render :file => "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/thx1.html" end @contact.file is a BLOB but I am not finding the file it don''t get errors only a 0 byte file create_contact_request(params[:contact]) where I use the same funcion Works class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base def contact_request(recipient) recipients "" from recipient[:email] subject "Contact Request from "+recipient[:name]+", "+recipient[:company] @body["name"] = recipient[:name] @body["company"] = recipient[:company] @body["address"] = recipient[:address] @body["phone"] = recipient[:phone] @body["email"] = recipient[:email] @body["notes"] = recipient[:notes] @body["file"] = recipient[:file].original_filename part :content_type => "text/html", :body => render_message("contact_request", @body) attachment :content_type => recipient[:file].content_type, :body => recipient[:file].read, :filename => recipient[:file].original_filename end end the mail is correct and the file is atached can anyone help me? Sergio