So, to help arrange the files in my application directory, I used a tip from this blog post: Essentially, I moved all my controller, model and sweeper files into folders with names that described their general purpose, and then put a line like the following in environment.rb: ["accounts", "blog", "support"].each do |path| ["models", "controllers", "sweepers"].each do |component| config.load_paths += %W( #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/#{component}/#{path} ) end end This worked out pretty well. Now, I want to figure out a way to do the same with views. I''ve experimented a bit with putting them in the same folders, under app/views, and pointing to them like: before_filter { |controller| controller.view_paths = ["app/views/blog"] } But this gets very messy - Rails starts looking for layouts and partials in the same place, even though those are shared among different parts of the site and shouldn''t be namespaced. Does anyone have a suggestion? I have an annoyingly large number of view folders and files, and I want to neaten them up a bit. Thanks! -- Posted via