Well I Have this models Localization has_many :event Event belongs_to :localization in the view events/new.html.erb <% f.fields_for :localization do |L| %> <%= l.text_field :country %> <%= l.text_field :state %> <%= l.text_field :city %> <% end %> the events controller is ust saving the event model. But when I submit the page I get "Localization expected, got HashWithIndifferentAccess" I tried to modify the controller in many ways, but this apper to be happening before arrive in the controller. By the way, I will use this space also to ask you if there is a better way to associate an event with an location making easy to reuse the same location for different events and other models I will have? Thank you
Felipe Lopes
2009-Apr-22 12:36 UTC
Re: Localization expected, got HashWithIndifferentAccess
Anybody have an update to this question?
Dmitry Sokurenko
2009-Apr-22 13:04 UTC
Re: Localization expected, got HashWithIndifferentAccess
Try to specify in your Event model: accepts_nested_attributes_for :localization It should work, but typically it''s used from parent to child (when event subform is inside location form). Also has_many :event doesn''t have much sence -- either has_one either eventS. Dmitry