slava wrote:
> here is my model
> class ProductLocation < ActiveRecord::Base
> belongs_to :property
> has_many :product_location_mappings
Tip: Model names shouldn''t be redundant with their navigation. Just
call it
Mappings. An even better name would reveal the intent of the model...
> end
> I want to load product_locations along with
> referenced :product_location_mappings and return a deep model.
> @product_locations = ProductLocation.find_all_by_property_id
> (property_id, :include => [:property, :product_location_mappings])
> however result does not include :product_location_mappings...
> I am using rails 2.3.2, not sure what to do..
Show a unit test that includes all your models linked together, per their yml
fixture files. Then show that find() statement locating your target record.
If the code still does not work, gem install assert2 assert_efficient_sql,
require ''assert_efficient_sql'', and wrap this around your
inspect_sql :verbose => true do
product_locations = ProductLocation.find_all_by_property_id
(property_id, :include => [:property, :product_location_mappings])
BTW you might also have read your log/test.log, but inspecting your code is what
tests are for...
You will get a big blob of JOIN statements. Inspect them to see if they make
sense, and run them in your database directly to see what they do.
But, in general, your code looks like the :include directives I have written, so
I don''t see any specific problem with it. That''s why the
shotgun of recommendations.
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