Here at Twitter we use an in house, open source solution, called
Kestrel which has great performance.
Robey Pointer wrote it, and it''s quite good. It uses a simple memcache
Set = enqueue. get = dequeue.
On Mar 27, 2009, at 7:52 PM, Tyler MacDonald wrote:
> Use your favourite jabber/XMPP server and you immediately have a
> messaging
> system with authenticated entities, status updates, queueing of
> messages
> when a server is unavailable, etc. And even better, you can add your
> servers as contacts in your favourite chat client and send them
> instructions
> yourself!
> Greg Willits
<> wrote:
>> So, MQ was an active area for a while with several contenders like
>> AP4R.
>> Many libs seemed focused on triggering long or scheduled processes,
>> and
>> not really for connecting many small apps together to build responses
>> for a Rails front-end app.
>> After some googling, it seems like activity has dies off. AP4R
>> seems to
>> have stalled (I can''t find anything newer than a year old).
None of
>> the
>> projects that surfaced from 05 through 08 seems to have become the de
>> facto "winner" that I can see.
>> I''m looking for a MQ system that''s not about just
offloading long or
>> scheduled activities, but for real-time messaging to connect several
>> small independent Rails/Ruby apps to build a Rails page.
>> I''m hoping to find something that can handle a number of
>> data
>> formats for replies (XML, YAML, native AR objects or maybe even
>> marshalled ruby objects).
>> Any suggestions on the best contenders?
>> -- gw
>> --
>> Posted via
> >
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