I''m an idiot who had a typo in his code. I had set content_type in
the ActionMailer-inherited method to text/html on accident. For
class Foo < ActionMailer::Base
def bar(to, info)
recipients to
from "no-reply-TNFzNwJ3FISaMJb+Lgu22Q@public.gmane.org"
subject "FooBar"
sent_on Time.now
body :info => info
content type ''text/html'' # THIS WAS THE PROBLEM! - should
have been
On Feb 26, 11:24 am, Phoenix Rising
wrote:> I''ve been googling and searching this list for about an hour now,
> maybe I''m just not thinking of the common nomenclature for what to
> looking for, but I can''t find jack.
> Here''s the deal: I''ve got an application coded
correctly, sending the
> mail out, and the template is structured correctly (method_name.erb is
> the filename) with LF line breaks (have also tried CRLF and CR, same
> effect) and all.
> Unfortunately, any time the e-mail is received, all the line breaks
> are removed. The e-mail is being sent as plain text, in UTF-8 - the
> defaults.
> For example:
> Line one
> line two
> Becomes:
> Line oneline two
> Looking at development.log, it shows that the line breaks are there.
> Indeed, of course my template has line breaks in it, separating lines
> and paragraphs.
> I''m on OS X 10.5.6, using sendmail. Settings inside config/
> environments/develpment.rb:
> config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true
> config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :sendmail
> config.action_mailer.sendmail_settings = { :location =>
> sendmail'', :arguments => ''-i -t''}
> config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = true
> I''m writing the template in TextMate and have tried all three
> ending types:
> LF
> CR
> I''ve even tried via SMTP on another server, and have had the exact
> same results.
> I''ve thought of just going straight to HTML e-mail and formatting
> using <p> and other tags, but the problem with that is that I
> want this ending up in spam boxes due to over-aggressive filtering.
> Plus, there''s really no reason this needs to be in HTML - plain
> should be fine.
> Does anyone have any clues as to what could be causing this issue?
> Thanks for your help.
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