On Oct 5, 2008, at 7:22 PM, Raistlin Majere wrote:
> I was reading a book and following the instructions in it.
>>> class Story < ActiveRecord::Base; end
> => nil
>>> story = Story.new
> => #<Story id: nil, name: nil, url: nil, created_at: nil,
> updated_at: nil>
>>> story.class
> => Story(id: integer, name: string, link: string,
> created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime)
> I do not remember me asking for id, name, link or url, created_at and
> updated_at.
At some point you must have created a "stories" table in your database
with those fields. Rails (technically ActiveRecord) finds this based
on the name of your class (singular version of the table by default).
> I do know if I typed craeted_at instead of created_at or
> updetad_at instead of updated_at. How do I check whether i typed it
> right or wrong?
It should complain about the method not being there.
> From the Rails console, I had to create a story class, one instance of
> it and save the object, but I created two, so I got a 2 output for a
> story.id input. How do I remove the second object from the database?
Note that that ''2'' is the *id* of the record you want to
remove. Has
nothing to do with it being the ''second'' object.
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