Hey hey, It''s that time of month again and the London Ruby User Group (LRUG [El Rug]) will be meeting on Monday the 9th of June 2008. Come along and join the fun. Date: Monday, 9th June, 2008 Time: 6:30 for the talks, 8:00pm (ish) for the pub Location: The Old Sessions House[1] for the talks, The Crown Tavern[2] for the pub Closest tube: Farringdon Registration: Be nice to our hosts Skills Matter and register your attendance at their website[3] or we won''t get the big overflow room and we''ll have to turn people away because of fire regulations. Then you''d miss out and that would be upsetting. Agenda: Book raffle We have some books donated by Apress and Addison-Wesley which we''ll be giving away using my awful Shoes "names from a hat" app. Check the mailing list[4] for the titles. Nick Ludlam: "Ruby as multimedia glue" A talk about using ruby to stitch MythTV into a Cocoa app, with some on the fly transcoding using Mongrel, RubyCocoa and other custom ruby code. Matt Wood: "Genomes on Rails" How the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute is using Rails to help with their work in sequencing the human genome. More details about the meeting are available on the LRUG website[5]. Cheers, Muz [1] http://tinyurl.com/2bjjzz [2] http://fancyapint.com/pubs/pub199.html [3] http://skillsmatter.com/event/ruby-on-rails/lrug-meeting-ruby-as-multimedia-glue-genomes-on-rails <http://skillsmatter.com/event/ruby-on-rails/lrug-meeting-ruby-as-multimedia-glue-genomes-on-rails>[4] http://lists.lrug.org/pipermail/chat-lrug.org/2008-June/002537.html [5] http://lrug.org/meetings/2008/05/27/june-2008-meeting/