Here''s the solution:
On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 10:54 AM, IndyCodeWarrior
> I''m having trouble with a validation that depends on an attribute
of a
> belongs_to parent. If the child is added to an unsaved parent
> (parent.children << new child), the has_many collection
> parent.children includes the unsaved child. However the belongs_to
> attribute child.parent appears to be nil until the parent has been
> saved. Without access to the parent attributes, the validation
> be done in the child model. I have a sort-of workaround using
> validation code in the parent, but that violates DRY. The validation
> still has to be in the child because the child can be updated without
> the parent validation coming into play.
> Here''s the code:
> ============>
> class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
> has_many :parlevels
> has_many :locations, :through => :parlevels
> has_many :line_items
> has_many :orders, :through => :line_items
> end
> class Location < ActiveRecord::Base
> has_many :orders
> has_many :parlevels
> has_many :items, :through => :parlevels
> end
> class Parlevel < ActiveRecord::Base
> belongs_to :item
> belongs_to :location
> #Attribute quantity is the max quantity of an item which may be
> ordered for a location
> end
> class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
> has_many :line_items, :dependent => :destroy
> belongs_to :location
> end
> class LineItem < ActiveRecord::Base
> belongs_to :order
> belongs_to :item
> def parlevel
> if self.order
> Parlevel.find(:first, :conditions => {:location_id =>
> self.order.location_id, :item_id => self.item_id})
> else
> nil
> end
> end
> def validate
> if self.quantity_requested
> if self.parlevel
> limit = self.parlevel.quantity
> else
> limit = 0
> end
> errors.add(:quantity_requested,"above maximum of " +
> if self.quantity_requested > limit
> end
> end
> end
> ============>
> The current result of this code in the limit is always zero when the
> parent is unsaved. Not very useful.
> Any suggestions?
> -Mack
> >
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