You need to return or the processing keeps happening through the
method. I.e.:
redirect_to :action => "index" and return unless request.post?
On Mar 30, 10:40 pm, Teck
wrote:> I have the following code:
> def create
> redirect_to :action => "index" unless request.post?
> @entry = Entry.new(params[:entry])
> if @entry.save
> flash[:notice] = "Successfully created..."
> redirect_to :action => "index"
> else
> render :action => "new"
> end
> end
> I get an error "Can only render or redirect once per action".
> I understand "redirect_to" or "render" doesn''t
end the script.
> I would like to allow only "post" request for "create"
> so I need to do somehting about this.
> But how can I improve the script?
> Is there any way to write
> redirect_to :action => "index" unless request.post?
> in model?
> Tek
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